Discover the Wiebe Homes Advantage: Our Expert Team of Home Selling Specialists

Wiebe Homes is the real estate company based in Martinez, GA that you can trust for a smooth and easy home sale. Our expert team of realtors and home selling specialists work tirelessly to get you the results you want.

A portrait of Richard Wiebe, a professional cash home buyer

The Wiebe Homes Story: Dedicated to serving homeowners throughout the CSRA

Wiebe Homes was started with a passion for real estate and a love for the local community. Since the beginning they have been dedicated to helping homeowners sell their homes quickly and improve the houses they buy.

Over the last 5 years Richard Wiebe and his team have purchased 75+ homes throughout the CSRA. Wiebe Homes looks forward to serving many more homeowners with innovative home buying solutions in the coming years!

Wiebe Homes: The Trusted Name in Quick and Easy Home Sales

Wiebe Homes is a real estate company that specializes in quick and easy home sales. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and extensive experience in the industry, Wiebe Homes is the go-to choice for homeowners who want to get the most value for their home in fast cash. Whether you're looking to sell your property quickly or are just exploring your options, our expert team of home selling specialists is here to assist you every step of the way. With our proven process, you can experience a stress-free and hassle-free sale, from listing to closing.

partnering with the best companies, contract signing

Our Core Values

Our commitment to providing the best service and getting the most value out of your property is driven by a set of core values that guide us at Wiebe Homes.



We believe that a deal without integrity is a deal that shouldn’t be done. We guarantee a fully transparent sales process from start to finish.



Born out of a love for our Augusta community, Wiebe Homes takes pride in excellence in both the sales process and in the renovation of our properties.



Serving our community and the homeowners in it underlies every interaction and deal we do. We are a service-centered company and treat you as we want to be treated.

partnering with the best companies, contract signing

Partnering With The Best Companies In Augusta

We wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without our amazing partners. Whether it’s the contractors we work with, our legal team, or even local HOA’s, Wiebe Homes is proud to do business with Augusta’s best and brightest as we all work together to better our community.

Need Cash Fast? Sell Your Home with Wiebe Homes Today.